Gotta be Japan!

I just got a link from a CSer (read that couchsurfer) friend from NY, about the new Japanese "against crime clothing design." But the first thing that came to my mind when I actually realized that there was someone inside that last vending machine was: Halloween costume... :)

Remember the shower costume from Karate Kid, I think it could actually make a great costume for Halloween! Just imagine a vending machine walking around Tokyo streets... and someone running behind trying to buy a drink :p

Being 20 I feel so funny for being so excited about halloween this year. Since the first time I refused to dress up when I was like 10 years old and didnt want to wear the Peter Pan costume they had for me I havent really like halloween or at least I wasn't too fond of it. But this year, I just have been thinking of halloween party at Yoyogi park, my tree/ent costume (pic to the right is just an image of what I was thinking that I found in the net), and so on, even when I have been really busy with design works and the internship at the NGO.

And it kind of made me realize how much I have changed in the last year, kind of coming out of my shell, being much more extroverted (though I still like to look at things from a distance (or a corner) from time to time) and enjoying so much more partying, meeting new people, and just doing crazy stuff. I do have to thank Hospitality Club and Couchsurfing for that once again, cause meeting new people from all around the world with such an open mind and heart, kind of give me some new impressions about people, and has helped me make wonderful friends who I would have never had the chance to meet in other ways. And, it has helped me know more about myself as well.


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